The fish and vegetables cook perfectly in this recipe. Yummy grilled dinner in a nice, convenient package. Preparing the fish and vegetables in a foil...
Bites de Atum Grelhado a Maneira de Tavira (Grilled Tuna Steaks Tavira Style). Tavira, a whitewashed cubistic village on the Algarve's south coast, is...
In Hawaii, pink snapper is called opakapaka. This is a good dish from one of my favorite cookbooks - "Fish Dishes of the Pacific from the Fishwife" by...
An easy recipe, perfect for both dinners and everyday meals! Present the slices over a bed of lettuce on a platter, decorating it as you wish with tomatoes,...
After having coconut shrimp at a famous restaurant here in Phoenix, I decided to recreate it at home using a mild white fish filet and tilapia was my first...
A nice twist to ordinary fried fish fingers -- the garlic/lime marinade gives the fish a delicious flavor. Great for a light lunch. Serve with your favorite...