If you plan to make this dish, ask your butcher for a skin-on shoulder, and remove the skin after braising. Roasted with the fat and tossed with crisped...
Spicy Curry Powder and and Lemongrass Paste flavor this classic chicken curry. Serve with jasmine rice tossed with scallions, chopped cilantro, salt, and...
Invite the neighbors over for a backyard barbecue featuring jerk chicken that gets its spicy flavor from an easy marinade that includes allspice, garlic,...
Everyday hot dogs and black beans give the appearance of worms in dirt in this Halloween-centric recipe. Martha displayed this fun dish on a specialMonster...
Combining cold-weather vegetables with protein and leafy greens is a sure route to winter salad success. Here cauliflower is grated and tossed with lemon,...
You can use whole chickens to prepare this recipe, but chicken thighs are quicker and easier. Serve this dish with festival, a sweet cornmeal bread from...
This succulent short-ribs platter embodies American cooking today: It melds flavors from cultures all around the world with delicious results. Miso is...
A combination of farm-fresh vegetables and crispy bacon gives this recipe from chef Sam Beall's "The Blackberry Farm Cookbook" its delicious flavor. Also...
In this gravy recipe for Thanksgiving, white wine provides an acidic, fruity contrast to the sweetness found in the drippings of our Maple-Glazed Turkey...
Lean and quick-cooking, pork tenderloin also scores points for versatility. Here, sauteed pork rounds are accompanied by a sweet-and-tart slaw of apple,...
This is a really quick version of chicken soup made to mimic a traditional long-simmered soup. Time permitting, the latter is better. But, with a few basic...
This chicken dish is named after the famed fiery Guntur chiles from the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh ($12, diaspora.com). A masala reduction coats...
Toss together a light but satisfying post-Thanksgiving lunch by teaming leftover turkey and cranberry sauce with peppery watercress and nutty farro for...