This recipe is SUPER simple and incredibly tasty. If you like Pasta Aglio Olio (pasta with garlic and olive oil), you'll LOVE this. The salty, garlicky...
This is a truly delicious pasta recipe! It is quite fast and easy, and a wonderful dish to serve to guests. Coarse salt is a must. Modified slightly from...
This is a good way to use fresh veggies...from the July/Aug '09 Simple and Delicious. I did add a little red wine to the cooked ground beef and let it...
Serve with a good french baguette and a quality bottle of Zinfandel for a romantic evening. If we told you where we got the recipe, we'd have to kill you,...
This was invented and handed down by vegan friends- it's their response to macaroni and cheese. I've perfected the flavors, for my own liking anyway. Be...
I found this recipe in a magazine, in a Philly (cream cheese) ad. I modified it to make it healthier, and was honestly WOW-ed when I tried it - it's that...
This is a very delicious recipe but it has A LOT of ingredients. Once I make it, I make it again and again until the more unusual ingredients run
Found this recipe on the back of a Heartland penne pasta box. Yet to try...looks good. Prep and cooking time is a total of 30 minutes (not counting preparing...