A hearty, tangy, and delicious Iranian recipe. It is a delicious blend of meat, split peas, tomatoes, and spices topped with french fries. When choosing...
When we go to our favorite Iranian restaurant, my wife usually orders Chicken Kubideh. Here's my go at it, but using turkey instead. I add butter, because...
This is my favorite barley soup. I prefer to make it with oats, but it can be done with barley as well, just it takes longer to cook it. According to your...
This is based on a recipe from the link http://www.nclrc.org/guides/HED/lessons/20.html, which I made after attempting recipe #173583 for the Aussie Recipe...
This is one of my husband's favorites and I believe, it originates in Northern Iran. You might like it but if you don't like dill , than you might hate...
This is another example of something I came up with while rummaging through my cupboard. The reason I am using the term aubergine rather than "eggplant"...
This is Day 3: Dinner, on the 21 day Wonder Diet. You can use any firm fish that is n season for this recipe. Sumac is a type of Middle-Eastern Spice,...