This is a hearty soup with lots of flavor and pretty colors. Serve with freshly grated good quality Parmesan cheese and a crusty slice of bread....delicious...
The idea for this quick dinner is based on a popular English brunch dish. If you don't have smoked salmon on hand, use a 7-1/2 ounce tin of salmon that...
A rustic and simple pasta dish that is light on calories and the budget but packed full of wonderful flavors. Quick and easy to prepare, this makes a complete...
This recipe comes from "The Good Carb Cookbook" by Sandra Woodruff, M.S., R.D. Depending on how hot I want it, I sometimes use tomatoes w/green chiles...
I got this idea from Macaroni Grill from a plate they used to make called the Angelini di mare. I think it has come out waaay better and for only like...
With lasagne, good preparation is the key. So I've included very detailed and simple-to-follow instructions. A good sized, deep pan is needed for this...
A recipe we've enjoyed for years. All you need is a salad and you've got a great meal. Note that one bird serves two people. We are old dudes, so if you...
I know there are a lot of Baked Spaghetti recipes on Zaar, but this is one my sister and I came up with for our group study, and it was so good, I wanted...
This is an evolved recipe. I started with a recipe for cinnamon lime fajitas, but I'm not keen on the potatoes. I didn't have peppers; but I do have cabbage...Look,...
Cook's Country. Basic curry powder turns bitter after six hours in a slow cooker, so stick with Madras curry powder. By tradition, this dish can be garnished...
This is a twist on the classic porcupine meatballs, traditionally made with tomato soup. One night, my mother had Campbell's cheddar cheese soup on hand...
Just a little something that came together one night years ago when my kiddos were actually smaller than me! I was trying to come up with something new...
Not a lot of ingredients and super easy to throw together. I'm sure this won't replace my regular lasagna recipe, but it would be great for busy days....
Nice, creamy, and cheesy. The kiddies'll love it for sure! (Leave some of the goldfish uncrushed for extra kid approval.) Very easy to make and a very...
This comes from a friend of mine who lived in the Algarve region of Portugal. I once had this simple meal in a harbor-side restaurant and my friend gave...
This evolved from the 'zaar recipe recipe #58503 and is a family favorite. It comes together quickly, you don't have to fry the tortillas, and it tastes...
This recipe is from the Reader's Digest, Magic foods for better blood sugar book. I don't eat a lot of pasta because let's face it, it's just not that...
This is about the simplest casserole I have ever made, I add a million things to it including cheese depending on my mood but here is the general base...
This is a Hungarian recipe that uses DRY cottage cheese. My mother would make this frequently as I grew up. Tastes great when eaten at a-little-warmer...
This is the roast my family loves. VERY tender and YumMY! I like to marinate it overnight, but it doesn't have to be. Two hours would be enough. Hope you...
One year when I was a kid, my great-aunt Helen visited us for Thanksgiving. I have this memory of her and my mom in the kitchen having fun creating a clever...
This is out of the 2004 edition of KCTS Chef's cookbook. It was sent in by Antonio Mauro the executive chef from Anton's Pasta Bar in Burnaby BC. The original...
A recipe based on Lorna Sass' excellent Tamed Pork Vindaloo with Spinach and Potatoes. I've made changes to make it lower calorie and lower protein. This...