This version of the Italian-inspired classic dish combines ground beef, peppers, and sauteed onions, baked with penne and PHILADELPHIA Italian Cheese and...
Have all the flavors you love in homemade lasagna without the fussy preparation and baking. This easy version is assembled in your slow cooker, and simmers...
Use plenty of coconut flakes to coat these shrimp for superior crunch and subtle tropical sweetness from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen. They're...
What's old is new again, and so's this classic appetizer. Crispy won ton wrappers hold a creamy mixture of crab meat for a better-for-you bite that will...
Warm ham and cheese go together like broccoli and cauliflower. And we've put that in the mix, too. Our hearty, creamy pot pie looks restaurant-worthy and...
Fresh corn kernels and slices of jalapeno pepper are cooked in a creamy sauce with zucchini and lots of shredded cheese then popped under the broiler for...
Make a weeknight special in less than 30 minutes using pork chops, fresh herbs and a splash of sherry along with a side of Idahoan Signature™ Russets...
Beef short ribs are braised for hours with wine and vegetables in the oven until tender and flavorful, then served with horseradish mashed potatoes for...
A decadent flourless chocolate cake featuring a creamy chocolate mousse. The combination of chocolate cake, rich mousse and orange make this an impressive...
Two crunchy hazelnut cookie halves, filled with a soft layer of Nutella® hazelnut spread. Is there anything better on a winter's day? No wonder these...
Enjoy this delicious chicken-broccoli-pasta dinner made using Progresso™ Recipe Starters™ creamy roasted garlic with chicken stock cooking sauce--ready...
Peanut butter and chocolate meet here with the elevated--but easy!--upgrade of a rich, chocolaty ganache center. Soft on the inside and slightly crisp...