This is best done on a large gas grill fitted with a thermometer - it's more labor-intensive to keep a charcoal grill at a constant high heat. You'll need...
This recipe has been in the family of senior editor Randi Danforth for generations. Her great-grandmother bought penny sponge candy to take to the movies...
Another quick, weeknight recipe, but good enough for company (I make it for Christmas eve dinner every year). I can usually have the fish, rice pilaf,...
Under all the whipped cream icing of the Black Forest cake are three layers of chocolate génoise soaked in kirsch. My father finished his génoise by...
This is a fun thing to make with your kids, and hand out at Christmas time. NOTE: You will need a hot-glue gun. **Sorry for not being sure about some of...
The zing of ginger and the sweetness of molasses combine in perfect proportions in this cookie, sent to us by Jane Booth Vollers of Chester, Connecticut....
This ambitious Mallomars-inspired recipe is a project: Make the (wheat-free!) cookie base and top with marshmallow on day one; enrobe in chocolate on day...
These delicate jam-filled bar cookies are made with frozen dough that's grated into the pan, which gives them a very light and crumbly texture. If you...