As the name implies, this is a recipe that is rich and delicious. Since you can use either fresh or frozen blueberries, you can make this easy blueberry...
This recipe uses condensed milk and sour cream. Fabulously easy. . . a summertime favorite! If you have time, a homemade graham cracker crust is better!...
Whip up a pan of these festive bars in just 20 minutes with staple ingredients and cherry pie filling. Between the easy preparation and the pretty colors,...
This baked pears recipe is very versatile. You can serve it warm or cold and for any size group. Chilled pears can be dressed up with a dollop of whipped...
This is a creamy pudding-like pie. It has thick chocolate filling, thick cream cheese filling, a butter/nut crust, and is topped with whipped cream. Definitely...
A pleasingly moist cake, this treat is the one I requested that my mom make each year for my birthday. It's dotted with sweet carrots and a hint of cinnamon....
This warm and comforting apple dumplings recipe is incredible by itself or served with ice cream. You can decorate each dumpling by cutting 1-inch leaves...
This recipe has been handed down in my family for generations. It's a good way to use overripe bananas. It's also a moist cookie that travels well either...
I make these banana bars with cream cheese frosting whenever I have ripe bananas on hand, then store them in the freezer to share later. With creamy frosting...
This simple peanut butter buttercream frosting makes enough to frost a three- or four-layer cake. For peanut butter-lovers, this is the only frosting they...
When a sweet craving hits, you'll have this chocolate mousse ready in no time. No need to pre-whip the heavy cream - just throw everything into a bowl...
Nothing brings a recipe to life like fresh lemons! For a change of pace from the standard Southern-style lemon bars, you need to look no further! This...
MMMMM...Vegan Brownies!!!! These are very gooey, which is a good thing in my book. However, if you want your brownies a little more solid you'll need to...
This is the recipe that I like to use with the fresh pears that I get from my trees in late August. It's also lower in fat and cholesterol than most regular...
I love these cookies! The only problem I have encountered in the past with making these, is that they seem to fall apart due to dryness. Adding more milk...
This cake tastes just like the name suggests - like a honey bun. It has been served to hundreds of people and everyone has said how much they liked it....
Even first-time cookie makers can pull off super moist, tender, chewy macaroons. Using sweetened condensed milk streamlines the operation and produces...
The King Cake is a New Orleans tradition that involves a pastry, a small plastic baby, and a party. The King Cake is baked with a small plastic baby hidden...
I saw a recipe for this rustic tart in a cookbook and wanted to try my own version of it. I changed the spices and chose my own fruits. It is a great dessert...
This cake is truly decadent and made with only 5 ingredients. It is chocolaty, rich, moist, and absolutely delicious. I top it off with an easy 2-ingredient...
A dear friend from the South gave me the idea for this peachy cake. I add bourbon and top each slice with vanilla or cinnamon ice cream. -Trista Jefferson,...
This apple bread pudding with caramel sauce has been in my life for a long time. It's a family fave and always on my buffet when I put together a brunch....
Here's a quick and easy way to create a beautiful summer fruit dessert. I love to use fresh peaches, strawberries and blueberries, but frozen fruits should...
I created this recipe after tasting maple cookies with a maple glaze at a bakery in Stowe, Vermont, some years ago. I get many requests to bring them for...
My grandmother gave me this tasty recipe when I was a girl. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of her huge kitchen and all the delicious treats...
A barnyard birthday party just wouldn't be complete without cow pies! The kids loved 'em once they got a taste of these yummy treats packed with raisins...
It's hard to believe that just five ingredients and a few minutes of preparation can result in these delicate and scrumptious tarts! -Cindi Mitchell, Waring,...
If you like peanut butter you'll love this frosting, great on chocolate cakes but for a real peanut butter experience try it on a peanut butter cake. If...