Serve this spectacular layered dessert in a trifle dish or individual dessert glasses for a memorable and refreshing ending to any meal! Perfect for Valentine's...
This cookie is a Christmas tradition started by my grandmother. She used to always mail them along with her "Minnesota Bars" (#162331). I have a note on...
Clafoutis is a French dish that is sort of a cross between a flan and a pancake. Similar to a flan, clafoutis is a very easy dessert that always impresses....
My mother sent me this unusual recipe back in the 70's. I was baking rolls in a health food restaurant at the time. The restaurant wanted me to come up...
This recipe is from my mother. It is the one she taught me with a slight tweak. In my home on the holidays one way to show someone or a family they were...
Enjoy the taste of rich and creamy bananas in your next batch of cookies! This recipe for easy banana oatmeal cookies has some of our favorite ingredients...
Who says you have to make a cake with a cake mix? Not us! These creative (and super easy) bars are packed with some of our favorite goodies: OREO™ cookies,...
I love these! They are a delicious sweet cookie from Argentina. They are a sandwich cookie - biscuit type cookie with Dulce De Leche in the middle then...
This is a classic dessert, named after the famous Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova. Use fresh fruit for the filling, topped with whipped cream. Strawberries,...
A fellow zaar member found me this recipe from Stonyfield Farms in response to a request, so I'm posting it here for safekeeping! This would make a nice...
Another recipe from the 1980 version of the Grace Evangelical Congregational Church cookbook from Muir, Pennsylvania that was given to me by my Nana when...
This stuff disappears at my house in a single afternoon!! It is so simple, but so yummy!! I've never tried it with any other pie filling flavor, but it...
My good friend Mardi made these during our Operation Baking Girls 'baking day', to ship overseas to our chosen soldier. These are very tasty, remind me...
Some people like to cheat and eat the warm cookies and cakes. Don't do that with this one, it needs to cool, but once it does.... Trust me, this will be...
This super creamy chocolate ice cream doesn't require any special equipment and can be customized by stirring in some of your favorite chocolate ice-cream-friendly...
This was the cake we always had for birthdays when I was growing up. It has a rich chocolate whip cream frosting that has cracked up Heath Bars in it swirled...
A quick and easy microwave dish that tastes like you spent hours whipping it up. This is my stepped up version with more flavor than the bland recipe on...
These are delicious tiramisu cupcakes. They are relatively easy to make as they use a boxed cake mix. Read recipe in entirety first - it sounds more complex...
"All southern women are brought up to be able to make several dishes. This is one of them. This is the same recipe that my Maw-Maw used. She served it...