This is from the cookbook-I'll Have What They're Having [Legendary Local Cuisine}It was created by John Hoesel,president of the Pittsburgh and a boyhood...
I LOVE lump crab meat. I bought some fresh flounder and decided to use my crab cake recipe with a couple of changes to make a stuffing. I used Ritz crackers...
These fresh-tasting, easy crab cakes are perfect for dinner any night of the week--just serve them with a simple, low-carb mustard sauce or 1/2 tablespoon...
I love to entertain and always looking for yummy appetizers. These wonderful little tarts are compliments of Paula Deen. I prepared them ahead of time...
A zesty variation of the traditional artichoke dip. Found in Dining by Design Stylish Recipes Savory Settings...Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. I haven't...
This is a delicious dip that my mother has made for years! It disappears really quickly at parties, and even just between me and my family! Wheat Thins...
These crab cakes are just the best. I make these often at home, and I make a smaller appetizer size for parties. They are always a hit. They are easy and...
From Food & Wine magazine. This makes a pretty and tasty meal for four. If you like your jambalaya really spicy, you could add hot sauce when serving....
A neat twist on a familiar dip. Chefs Beverly Mills and Alicia Ross recommend using a thin and crispy pizza crust, such as Boboli, as the base. Sure to...
I'm not sure where I found this recipe, but it's a very rich soup. I like to add additional herbs - whatever strikes me at the moment, but I usually add...
I played around with Paula Deen's and Mrs. Duvall's crab cake recipes and came up with the most delicious, moist, tasty crab cake in the Northeast! My...
You can cheat and make this with imitation crabmeat but of course the real stuff is better, if you are using frozen crabmeat make certain to squeeze out...
Have had this recipe for ages and just noticed I don't have it here on Zaar. This is a fabulous, simple and delicious dip great for entertaining. Three...
Who doesn't like crab cakes? I found this on another site and the photo looked so amazing I just had to save this recipe. Cooking time is approximately...
This is a slightly spicy crab dip. May be served hot or cold. To be served with toasted with ciabatta bread. YUM! I created this recipe after eating a...
Got this from my mom's Crab Cookbook that looked like it was written in the 60's. There are many Crab imperial recipes but this one doesn't include mayo....
I love crab and lobster but I don't have the budget for it - so I have started buying imitation crab and lobster when it is on sale. I was playing around...
This recipe is great for parties, and you can store it ready-to-go in the freezer for up to two months. It's very handy to keep some frozen for those random...
My sister-in-law brought these to my Super Bowl Party and they were the first thing to go.... absolutely simple, yet INCREDIBLY tasty and EASY. I dare...
This is a take on the crab salad from the Sizzler salad bar. It has a sweet, coleslaw type of dressing. This versatile dish can be served as a side, inside...
In Louisiana, most dishes include plenty of fresh garlic, dry mustard, and cayenne pepper for Creole flavor. Heavy cream adds richness (because no Louisiana...
Every time I go to my fave Chinese restaraunt I HAVE to eat this crab casserole. I love the flavors, the texture, heck ... I just love everything about...
This soup is a mixture of delicious seafood and fresh vegetables with a slightly sweet taste. Taught to me by a friend during my time in Honduras. Maybe...
Recipe from and posted here for ZWT5. NOTE: after making this recipe, I have made some edits to the original recipe (it had too...
Terrific looking and great tasting! This dip is an unusual conconction of simple ingredients that makes an appetizing dip for your next party or family...
This is one of my favorite snacks. It can be served with crackers, or I like to eat it with the big corn chips (Scoops) or serve it in jumbo pasta shells....
To obtain best results, use jumbo lump crabmeat. You can use regular, be sure it is fresh. The juices add flavor, so please do not drain. Cooking time...