I love how simple and refreshing this is and the ability to adjust the recipe for the types of fruits which are fresh in your local area. Allow at least...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
These taste like the real smokehouse almonds you buy in the store for a huge price. I made these last Christmas for a bazaar and just found the recipe...
The literal translation of quatre épices is four spices; however, quatre épices rarely contains JUST four spices, but can have anything up to five or...
This jam is delightful! Great combination of the peach and rhubarb. It's not too sweet, just a nice mellow flavor. Give it a try and let me know what you...
This is just what our family thinks of when we eat this recipe. This is a recipe that my mother, Ruth made when I was a child and has been one of my own...
I know jello isn't for everyone but I love it so we have it often. I have a few recipes for jello molds and this is one of them. Refrigeration time is...
Another recipe in search of duplicating the deliciuos ravioli from Rising Moon. This recipe came from "Where the world's recipes are" website. Haven't...
This recipe originally accompanied Vidalia Onion Fritters with Tamarind Dipping Sauce. Tamarind water gives this very nicely balanced tart-yet-sweet dipping...
Also known as the Chinese date or red date, the jujube is a type of tree native to China. The fruit of the jujube tree is typically reddish in color, and...
I wanted to try something different last Christmas, and a friend had me try this. It is amazing !!! I made a double batch after the first and froze it...