This chili-like soup is delicious and very low in fat. Salsa, cumin and chili powder gave it plenty of flavor while several canned items make it fast to...
This salad has been a family favorite for a while! I love to bring this to parties or simply eat as a wonderful lunch or side dish. -Nikki Barton, Providence,...
This recipe can be prepared a day ahead and can easily be doubled or tripled. I garnish each serving with a dab of sour cream. By adding chicken and rice,...
I made up this recipe for the students in the foods and nutrition class I teach. The kids like it so much, they often go home and fix it for their families....
A fresh garden salad with homemade Italian-style dressing is the perfect accompaniment to my special lasagna. Nicely seasoned with garlic, herbs and a...
Sweet butternut squash, earthy red lentils, and curry powder are the stars of this lively vegetarian soup thats wonderful ladled over basmati rice. A...
These pizza pita pockets come together in a flash - great for a weeknight dinner or when you need a quick snack. Choose your favorite fillings from the...
My husband fixed this soup for our three kids years ago. They always loved it and now prepare it for their own kids. It's a real favorite on family camping...
"My mother-in-law prepared this for us on a recent visit," relates Lee Ann Odell of Boulder, Colorado. The fresh-tasting salad of spinach and grapefruit...
My husband usually tries to avoid spending time in the kitchen, but he'll frequently offer to prepare this easy chili. Of course, he always eagerly serves...
The spiced lamb in these stuffed pita pockets goes perfectly with cool cucumber and yogurt. It's like having your own Greek gyro stand in the kitchen!...
Thanks to Mollie Fry, barbecue has never been easier. The reader writes to us from Carolina barbecue country, Raleigh, North Carolina, and sends her recipe...
I could eat soup for every meal of the day, all year long. I particularly like dill and spinach-they add a brightness to this light and healthy soup. -Robin...
Busy Fogelsville, Pennsylvania cook Constance Eddy writes, This tangy sauce freezes well and is even better when it's reheated. "It's great on hot dogs,...
I always look for recipes high in taste and nutrition but low on prep time and fat. This thick, chunky soup fills the bill and is such a family favorite...
Smacking with savory flavor, and creamy in texture, this soup will have you wishing for an endless winter. It's essentially composed of mushrooms, heavy...
This hearty vegetable beef soup features a ton of fresh vegetables, making it the perfect dish to use up all that summer produce. It's also great during...
This homemade version of the canned standard- has no dairy or preservatives. Try it in your favorite green bean casserole recipe! -Courtney Stultz, Weir,...
When my family first tried this sandwich loaf, they suggested I include it as part of our annual New Year's Day celebration. It tastes great with homemade...
The smooth thick dressing is a nice blend of tangy and sweet, with flavor reminiscent of a Western dressing. I got this recipe years ago when I worked...
"Kids of all ages will love these pizza-flavored sandwiches," promises Omaha, Nebraska's Jennifer Short. And because the meat-filled buns don't need to...
It doesn't get much easier, or more delicious, than this hot Italian sandwich recipe. These sandwiches are the perfect appetizer for parties, gatherings...
My family is always glad to see this slightly sweet and mildly zippy soup as part of the menu. The cabbage is shredded, so the kids never notice it!-Fran...
This flavorful soup is perfect for when you want something warm and filling in a hurry. If you can't find long noodles, angel hair pasta is a good substitute....
I've served this delightful fruit soup medley for 37 years, and it has never failed to elicit raves from those eating it. -Gladys De Boer, Castleford,...
At home in Salem, Oregon, Christine Vaught packs her chunky and nutritious salad with crunchy apple and celery, dried cranberries, blue cheese and almonds...
I've taken this satisfying soup to church gatherings and family reunions, and it always receives wonderful compliments. Everyone loves it! -Elizabeth Goetzinger,...
I use convenient canned fruit cocktail and instant pudding to prepare this dessert. It makes a refreshing and pretty finale to any meal, especially when...
Chili sauce and horseradish add some zip to these hamburgers and make them a nice change from ordinary burgers. We think they're perfect! -Shirley Kidd,...
I work full time and have a family of four. We sit down to a home-cooked meal just about every night, many times thanks to my slow cooker. This hearty...
Looking for a great way to use up leftover ham? Try these simple, low-fat sandwiches. "Pineapple and mustard are traditional flavors with baked ham, and...
"As a working mom of two daughters, I'm always looking for a quick meal," notes Christine Weimar from New Britain, Pennsylvania. "I make these hearty sandwiches...
Economics had a lot to do with what we ate when I was growing up in New Hampshire during the Depression. Money may have been scarce, but fish was plentiful...
It's crazy how just a few ingredients can make such a difference. Using finely chopped rotisserie chicken in this recipe makes it perfect for a busy weeknight...