Scallops have a reputation for being hard to cook correctly, but this recipe is really fast, easy, and oh so tasty. The key is high heat for the sear,...
The technique for making poke is so basic that even the most inexperienced cooks can get something close to what they'd get in a restaurant. But the one...
Friday night fish-fry at home! Tender cod is encrusted with a homemade breading and cooked in your air fryer for a guilt-free dinner. I like to serve this...
This recipe is so simple, it doesn't even have a name. I just call it Trout. This is such an easy weeknight seafood dinner. It's a really nice way to cook...
This is Authentic Mexican Ceviche, I've had it several times in Mexico, and also have learned to cook Mexican food for my husband. Every time I make this...
I improvised this salmon casserole with items I had on hand in my pantry. I've never been big on casseroles (if you've had my mom's cooking, you'd understand...
This is a recipe I just kind of fooled around with and made up. When I first tasted it I was proud! I felt like I was eating a meal from a gourmet Italian...
Wonderful and easy. You can adjust all ingredients to taste. I usually serve with a salad and use reserve marinade as a dressing. When grilling, I flip...
These are so delicious if you're doing a low-carb diet and just want something flavorful and a little crispy. These can be eaten as an appetizer or a main...
I was probably in my early twenties when this sauce first appeared on my culinary radar as 'vitello tonnato.' At the time, a plate of cold, thinly-sliced...
Butterflied shrimp are stuffed with jalapeno and wrapped in bacon, and it just gets better from there. There are never any leftovers when I make this recipe...
A special entree, excellent with a loaf of French bread to dunk in the sauce, add a glass of wine and a pasta, and you have an incredible meal for any...
My new crockpot just became my new best friend! I gave it a first workout with my Jambalaya and it cooked it to perfection! The aroma that went through...
A full flavored soup that combines crab and shrimp beautifully! This addition of white wine gives it a lovely mellow flavor. Garnish with chopped chives...
Mahi mahi, a firm-textured and mildly sweet fish, is perfect for grilling. Try this easy recipe from Chef J.J. tonight. Serve with your favorite side or...
This is my version of a tuna pasta dish with capers, anchovies, and tomatoes. I make it at least once a week as it is my husband's favorite and he proclaims...
This simple marinade for shrimp is guaranteed to please. Passed down by my mother-in-law, it's without a doubt one of her greatest contributions to humankind....
A favorite Sunday morning breakfast on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Saltfish can be found in many grocery stores, ask your grocer to help you...
This delicious Thai-style soup has coconut milk, shrimp, mushrooms, and spinach. Chicken may be substituted for the shrimp; either way, I love this soup...
These fresh-tasting, easy crab cakes are perfect for dinner any night of the week--just serve them with a simple, low-carb mustard sauce or 1/2 tablespoon...
Crab is a favorite of mine. This recipe can be made with either imitation or real crabmeat. If using imitation, chop to about 1/2-inch size. If using real,...
A fast and easy but tasty and delicious catfish preparation with bite. You can vary the recipe by adding a layer of honey or using honey mustard. Also...
I've looked and looked for a recipe for scallops that was tasty yet elegant. I searched through 30 recipes and out of those I got ideas and came up with...
These crab cakes are just the best. I make these often at home, and I make a smaller appetizer size for parties. They are always a hit. They are easy and...
These spicy lobster tails are so easy to make. Just a note on the lobster tails in supermarkets: if they're not frozen, they've been frozen and then thawed....
Do not marinate the shrimp longer than the indicated time. If you are using bamboo skewers, be sure to soak them in cold water for at least 30 minutes....
This is a family favorite here in the Pacheco home. A traditional Portuguese meal made with garlic, beer, butter, seafood. What else can you ask for? Oh...
Served with a wedge of lemon and your favorite condiment, this dish is sure to please. Another way to get fiber into your diet. Serve with a wedge of lemon...