My family has been using this very simple and delicious recipe for sausage, peppers, and onions for years and years now. For an extra kick, try using half...
This boneless chicken cacciatore is a quick and easy dinner option the whole family will enjoy (and they're getting their veggies in! Shhhh... they'll...
I probably get more requests for Indian food than any other ethnic cuisine, so I was very excited to be posting this recipe for chicken tikka masala; until...
Saag paneer is a classic Indian dish of cooked spinach studded with cubes of fried paneer cheese. Thickened with cream or coconut milk, it's a hearty and...
This cookie is very chewy on the inside and crisp on the outside, BUT the entire outside is coated in sliced almonds for a fantastic look and is absolutely...
Pelau is a stew from Trinidad made with either beef or chicken. The unique flavor comes from searing the meat in caramelized sugar then simmering with...
These spicy Italian cookies are the perfect accompaniment for cocoa or coffee during the holiday season! Serve with lemon curd or drizzle with lemon flavored...
Ever wondered how to get a well-cooked, juicy piece of meat, without butterflying it or cutting down the middle to see if it's done and has a good color?...
This is a green curry recipe I've cobbled together over the years. The vegetables aren't completely traditional, but they give the whole thing a good texture...
I came up with this recipe for my niece. I combined grilled cheese sandwiches with garlic bread. Its tasty, its quick and its the perfect appetizer for...
Rajma is comfort food at its best. I like rajma best with simple jeera (cumin) rice. Of course, some roti would be great too. When I was in college, I...
Calamari tubes are stuffed with seafood and baked in a rich cream sauce before serving over a bed of linguine. This is probably the best calamari, if not...
This tasty mulled-wine is a German Christmas specialty. It is the signature drink at Christmas markets across Germany and it warms you from the inside...
This delicious recipe is prepared by using adobo seasoned grilled boneless chicken thighs, layering tortillas with a combination of the chicken, cheese,...
I love caprese salad and I'm always trying to find new ways to make chicken dishes and eat a bit healthier. Plus the basil in my garden is growing out...
This is my grandma's famous recipe, except that I use sour cream instead of the traditional cheeses (a trick I picked up from my mother-in-law). She always...
The bechamel adds a little something special to this wonderful lasagna. I like to use part skim ricotta and mozzarella and low-fat milk to cut some of...
Here, 'tandoori' refers to the yogurt-based, aromatically spiced marinade that can be used on grilled, broiled, or baked meat. You can adjust the spices...
Any Harry Potter fan knows what this is. I finally procured the recipe from an British friend of mine. I know I can now find 'Lyle's Golden Syrup' in the...
A Cuban-style pork roast marinated and cooked low and slow. Normally bitter oranges are used but they can be hard to find. To make it easy I subbed limes...
This is my favorite Mexican pork dish that is always a hit. Can be toned down with less or no peppers and still tastes awesome. If you can find Seville...
Who would believe that beer would be the perfect solution to eradicating fluorescent green margaritas? Well, it is! Best to use not-so-micro brews to avoid...
I do not care for the premade taco shells sold at the supermarket. So I developed this recipe in my Cuisinart® Air Fryer Oven. These taco shells are crispy,...
This is a fabulous lasagna made with an artichoke and spinach mixture which has been cooked with vegetable broth, onions and garlic. The mixture is layered...
This is my version of Turkish kebabs which I made 'off the cuff' after searching unsuccessfully for a recipe online. The original sandwiches are made from...
The yummiest preparation mixture for ground beef EVER! I have made this Lebanese Meat for all of my friends and family and have HAD to leave the recipe...
Calamari has an unfair reputation for being tricky to work with and that it's rubbery when cooked. Here's the secret: cook it in 45 seconds or 45 minutes--very...