Delicious ravioli-stlye pasta filled with Chicken, Cheeses and if you wish, spinach. Then Drenched in a wonderful cream tomato sauce. I tried this at Carrabba's,...
Sweet, tasty, and creamy; pear and blue cheese is the perfect flavor pairing! Try this delicate and tasty Italian original homemade ravioli. Serve with...
Cucumbers grow abundantly throughout Eastern Europe and are often combined with sour cream or cheese. This is an easy Yugoslavian recipe and it makes a...
This recipe came from my Italian family. It is not only delicious but so quick and easy. Measurements really aren't necessary--make it your own. You can't...
I love soups, but I love to make different ones all the time, otherwise it gets boring. This is a nice spin on vegetable soup. The dry salami to use is...
My mother often served a delicious Polish dish made with cabbage. We always topped ours with a dollop of sour cream and sometimes served this over mashed...
Salmon is such a tasty and healthy fish as it is packed with Omega 3. Here is a healthy and different way of preparing salmon that I found on the BBC Good...
Eggnog originated in England using brandy, instead of rum, but when the English crown began placing hefty taxes on brandy and wine, colonists began using...
This lasagna is a special occasion recipe as it's time consuming, but so worth the time and effort. It's very hearty and a great crowd pleaser. The wine...
After searching the internet for for a stuffed zucchini recipe made in a slow cooker, I wasn't too successful, so I decided to try my hand at it. My husband...
Boneless chicken breast stuffed with provolone cheese and bacon is covered with a mushroom and Irish creme sauce. Served traditionally with roasted potatoes...
This recipe is SUPER simple and incredibly tasty. If you like Pasta Aglio Olio (pasta with garlic and olive oil), you'll LOVE this. The salty, garlicky...
I created this on a whim and served it at my annual 2007 Christmas hors d'oeuvres party for my friends. I was planning to make traditional bruschetta but...
Spinach and ricotta gnocchi are a first course reserved for my very favorite guests...and they are a traditional Tuscan favorite! These have a vibrant...
This recipe is over 150 years old and has been baked by my family for many generations for Christmas. They are much easier to make than other lebkuchen...
This recipe came from the back of a Mueller's noodles box. I love it because it is both delicious and quick! No need to boil the lasagne noodles. Just...
Paninis make a boring sandwich a gourmet meal. Pizza is a classic dish and can also sometimes become routine. A grilled pizza panini is a creative way...
I created this recipe on the fly because I didn't have my usual ingredients for spaghetti. I was so happy with how it tasted that I decided to make this...
Serving and prep times are guesses as i have not made these yet. Source: KIETO'S DAILY RECIPE 3/10/04 The Irish version pasty (and this is particularly...
A family recipe (from my mother-in-law) for a unique twist on traditional meatballs. These are baked in a wonderful tomato-based sweet and sour sauce,...
This is amazingly simple to make, using just 3 ingredients! And it only takes about 20 minutes to make!!! More delicate than storebought and only 1/2 the...
I got this recipe from my mother-in-law. Even my two young sons love this dish, despite their aversion to all things vegetable! Delicious served with a...
A rich and gourmet dish without needing a gourmet chef! A delicious recipe from Best of Bridge that makes about 16 scallops or shrimp. This risotto is...
I got this recipe from the "Shut up and Mangia" website. ZAAR is my favorite website to save all my recipes to. The author writes: "One of my old family...
Another recipe from "The Italian Family Cookbook" and can be found on page 26. Gorgonzola cheese is a popular sharp Italian cheese. Combine the sharpness...
This cookie has been a tradition for several generations in my Sicilian family. Our Uncle Frank always made them for us. They are thought to be a Christmas...
Go deep this Super Bowl Sunday: Serve calzones. These Italian turnovers are perfect 'finger food' -- no knife and fork required. And because the recipes...
This is one of my very favorite Italian pasta dishes. I serve it with crusty french bread for dipping in the sauce, with a side salad of baby mixed lettuces,...
My family calls these "Italian Cookies". They can be made with Anisette or with Anise flavoring. The orange juice adds nice flavor. They are a cake-like...
This is a popular French cake that celebrates the holiday of Epiphany (January 6th) the day when the Three Kings visited the Baby Jesus. As part of French...
Elegant enough for company, yet quick and easy to prepare! Would be a lovely dinner for New Year's Eve, with a glass of bubbly. Adapted from Delia Smith's...
I have tried many different Lasagna recipes over the years. This is the culmination of all that trial and error, a wonderful recipe that needs to be shared...