This is Authentic Mexican Ceviche, I've had it several times in Mexico, and also have learned to cook Mexican food for my husband. Every time I make this...
If you love hot and sweet we're confident this will be your favorite. An ultimate treat for family outings, sporting events, camping or hiking trips. Pineapple...
These eggs are actually also stuffed with crab, not just topped with crab. They are extremely easy to make. This recipe includes my famous 17-minute egg-cooking...
French-Canadian pork spread for toast and crackers....This was my memere's recipe and so far I have never had any better. Very simple to make :) I guess...
These are so delicious if you're doing a low-carb diet and just want something flavorful and a little crispy. These can be eaten as an appetizer or a main...
Puffs that you put tuna, ham, chicken, shrimp, or egg salads. This is a wonderful basic recipe that you can build on and create sweet or savory dishes....
These very healthy baked zucchini sticks recipe can double as a great appetizer or side dish for an Italian meal. Serve with pizza sauce either way......
I was probably in my early twenties when this sauce first appeared on my culinary radar as 'vitello tonnato.' At the time, a plate of cold, thinly-sliced...
These eggplant Parmesan rounds are oil free and grease free, yet they are crispy and crunchy. All due to cooking it in an air fryer. They are good eaten...
Very good-tasting recipe that was given to me by my mother. Try it, you will like it. Everyone who has had this raves about it. Best if made a day or several...
This hearty, flavorful wiener sauce is like the kind you'll find in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It may be frozen until ready for use. Use premium grilled...
These fresh-tasting, easy crab cakes are perfect for dinner any night of the week--just serve them with a simple, low-carb mustard sauce or 1/2 tablespoon...
Crispy tater tots piled high with buffalo chicken and cheese for a 'nacho' experience your friends and family will love. Substitute blue cheese dressing...
This is a creamy, hearty dip that works well for a gathering. It's not light, and is a good option when you are serving close to meal time, but don't want...
Super quick and easy - you will probably have all the ingredients in your pantry already! Serve with your favorite sauce! I served mine with spicy mayo,...
Green chile peppers and garlic spice up this easy and delicious hot dip. It's great to serve while your guests are enjoying wine and waiting on the main...
Savory and satisfying, this easy-to-make dish is a local favorite in Hawaii. This is the only dish I bring to parties anymore. Even at a smaller gathering,...
This is a wonderful dish that can be served with almost any main course. These mushrooms stuffed with shrimp and topped with melted Cheddar cheese go really...
Chicken wings are egged and fried in butter, then baked in a tangy sauce of soy sauce, water, sugar, vinegar, garlic powder and salt. Delicious, sticky...
These crab cakes are just the best. I make these often at home, and I make a smaller appetizer size for parties. They are always a hit. They are easy and...
Easy and delicious dip! The sweetness of the Major Grey's and the spice of the curry and mustard combine well with cream cheese, and this dip is always...
The best fondue ever; made with beer and three kinds of cheese! Enjoy this recipe as a snack or a meal! Great for parties or great to trick your kids into...
This dip is addicting! Imagine a chocolate chip cheesecake batter that is safe to eat. Served with graham crackers, this dip will quickly become a family...
Old recipe from French-Canadian Memere (Grandma). Delicious and spicy pork spread for sandwiches. Pronounced 'gah-ton'. Enjoy on a sandwich with mustard...
Tater tots without the taters. Can alter the ingredients: Cheddar and green onion, Mexican cheese blend and chili powder, or bacon and white Cheddar. Let...
This is by far my favorite fall and winter treat to have available, and makes an incredible food gift to anyone without an allergy--for the holidays or...