Whole lemons are the base of this rich, citrusy simple lemon cake batter. Precooking the fruit removes the pucker and makes for an intensely flavored cake...
This fabulous version of the favorite Southern dessert boosts the banana flavor by infusing it into the homemade vanilla pudding, in addition to the traditional...
Forgo the traditional frying -- and mixing up the batter! -- for this Latin American treat. Instead, bake store-bought puff pastry for churros that are...
Use this rich frosting to decorate Magnolia Bakery Vanilla Cupcakes. This recipe comes from "More from Magnolia: Recipes from the World-Famous Bakery and...
Rich, buttery, and oh-so-simple, the classic pecan pie has earned its place as a Thanksgiving mainstay. It's also a wonderful choice to make ahead of time...
To ensure your cookies come out just right, follow a couple of basic rules: Space them at least 1 inch apart during baking, rotate the sheet pan half way...
The deep hazelnut flavor and buttery goodness of these cookies belie their simplicity. With just five ingredients, these are some of the easiest cookies...
Capture that fleeting moment when peaches are flavor-rich and flawless with a pie that won't keep you in the kitchen. Bake them into a vanilla-bourbon...
Choose fruit with a fragrant aroma and flesh that yields a bit when pressed gently. If a peach has cuts or tan spots, or if it's rock-hard or mushy, don't...
Nothing says fall like a pumpkin dessert, and this one features a light, fluffy mousse layered over a sweet gingersnap crust. It's no ordinary pumpkin...
Don't let the name fool you-this classic dessert is in fact a cake layered with custard and topped with chocolate glaze. We replaced the custard with our...
This glorious lemon-blueberry tart, filled with a tangy lemon curd, is topped with whipped creme fraiche and a garnish of candied lemon zest. Martha made...
Extra-virgin olive oil, eggs, and milk make this Italian-inspired lemon cornmeal cake extra-moist. And it's gluten-free, to boot. Martha made this recipe...
Once chilled, this cake can be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated for up to three days. In fact, it actually tastes best after being chilled overnight....
Each tender cookie has a gooey marshmallow lodged inside, plus it's all covered in chocolate. The cookies are perfect for sharing at holidays and events...
A touch of rice flour is the secret to perfectly crisp shortbread. With such a short ingredient list, it's important to use the best-quality salted butter...
To make this recipe in less time, you can substitute organic canned butternut-squash puree for the fresh squash. For the decorating technique, see our...
Basque settlers first arrived in Nevada during the Gold Rush of the mid-1800s. Originally from the Pyrenees region of France, they brought with them a...
Replacing vanilla with strawberry reinvents the ice-cream sandwich. Our recipe yields the requisite dense, fudgy chocolate wafer; use heart-shaped cookie...
Making this traditional Southern candy works best on a dry day; too much humidity prevents it from setting. For best texture, work quickly when scooping...
An array of aromatic spices-including ground cinnamon, mace, and black pepper-make this molasses cake perfect for a fall dessert. It's frosted with a rich...
Pretty pink whipped cream is an irresistible filling and frosting in this delicate raspberry layer cake that comes together in just one hour. It's a light...
Longing for homemade chocolate chip cookies in a snap? Nut butter does double duty by replacing both flour and regular butter in these five-ingredient,...
When assembling the cake, use a new doll and wrap it in plastic before putting it in the center of the cake. Candles should absolutely not be used, because...
A handful of tweaks turn this comfort food into a smarter choice: white-meat chicken (not dark), extra veggies, low-fat milk in the filling, and a lighter...
This simple, not-too-sweet cookie recipe comes from author Elizabeth Gilbert's "At Home on the Range," a republication of her great-grandmother's 1947...