This oven-roasted chicken recipe showcases juicy, flavorful thighs with a lemony sauce that makes itself in the pan. It's the ideal weeknight dinner for...
Not your average blue-plate special, this meatloaf recipe brings three ground meats together with a sweet-and-sour glaze to form a tender and moist mealtime...
This comfort-food recipe combines chicken thighs, plump dumplings, and plenty of vegetables for a meal that's warm and filling. Everything is ready in...
Whole lemons are the base of this rich, citrusy simple lemon cake batter. Precooking the fruit removes the pucker and makes for an intensely flavored cake...
To determine whether or not the jelly is done cooking, use a candy thermometer and the "sheeting method," described below. Don't use overripe fruit for...
Prep these beef stroganoff ingredients, cover the pot, and go! Simmering and braising beef stroganoff for a long time at a low temperature yields extra-intense...
This roast duck recipe, courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, is part of his Duck and Pumpkin Risotto with Spicy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, which is a delicious dinner...
Braising in a slow cooker turns a tough, less-expensive cut of beef into a flavorful, hearty meal that's ideal for Passover and sure to become a family...
Use this rich frosting to decorate Magnolia Bakery Vanilla Cupcakes. This recipe comes from "More from Magnolia: Recipes from the World-Famous Bakery and...
Rich, buttery, and oh-so-simple, the classic pecan pie has earned its place as a Thanksgiving mainstay. It's also a wonderful choice to make ahead of time...
These hulled pumpkin seeds are tossed with lime juice for zing and chili powder for spice (we like arbol for its extra kick), and then toasted into a crunchy-and...
This 20-minute shrimp pasta recipe is sure to become a favorite. All you need for the sauce is a flavorful and fragrant combination of butter, garlic,...
Fish and lemon are a natural pairing: The tart citrus enlivens the flavor of a delicate sauteed halibut topped with a reduced lemon sauce and slices of...
This nourishing fall meal is a sure crowd-pleaser. Try substituting ground pork for the beef. Braise leftover cabbage or shred it and enjoy in a salad...
Martha's traditional Bolognese sauce recipe is not as heavily based on tomatoes as typical Italian-American meat sauces. In fact, the meat is cooked with...
Boneless beef short ribs are seared, and then simmered for hours until they are silky and tender. Brown sugar and apple cider, along with parsnips, carrots,...
The base for this soup, corn stock, can be frozen and used in all kinds of vegetable soups. It is also a good poaching stock for fish. You can play around...
To ensure your cookies come out just right, follow a couple of basic rules: Space them at least 1 inch apart during baking, rotate the sheet pan half way...
This chicken stew uses the flavor of the whole chicken and tangy tomatillos and traditional Mexican enhancements such as cilantro, garlic, and onion to...
Slowly bring out the flavor and tenderness of turkey legs by cooking them low and slow with herbs such as fresh sage, bay leaves, parsley, and thyme. It's...
The deep hazelnut flavor and buttery goodness of these cookies belie their simplicity. With just five ingredients, these are some of the easiest cookies...
This classic meatloaf uses coarsely ground beef for a juicer bite. It's brushed with the essential brown sugar-ketchup glaze and baked on a sheet pan,...
This Irish Brown Soda Bread recipe comes to us from Ellen Clarke, one of our merchandising product managers. She got the recipe from her grandmother, Mary...
This recipe for delicious braised short ribs is from the October 2007 issue of Everyday Food. To make this dish a complete meal, serve it with creamy polenta...
Don't even think about throwing out your broccoli stems. Use a mandoline to slice vegetables into planks, then stack and slice crosswise with a knife for...
Capture that fleeting moment when peaches are flavor-rich and flawless with a pie that won't keep you in the kitchen. Bake them into a vanilla-bourbon...
Choose fruit with a fragrant aroma and flesh that yields a bit when pressed gently. If a peach has cuts or tan spots, or if it's rock-hard or mushy, don't...