In a twist on classic tiramisu, the leftover almond-flavored macaroons assume a more prominent role: Layered with an airy mascarpone mousse, they take...
This adaptation of the tortilla española from New York's Boqueria starts with potatoes that are slowly cooked in lots of olive oil. There will be plenty...
A delicate, sparkling sugar shell transforms fresh cranberries and sage leaves into jewellike candies that beautifully adorn the cranberry grappa jelly...
Deeply chocolaty shortbread cookies get a kick from chipotle chile powder (left over from Pork Spice Rub . If you can restrain yourself, wait a day before...
This is such a sweet little dessert. As you know, I'm not one for sweet treats but this is a little pop of yumminess-perfect for dinner parties, and it...
Pork chops can get pretty dried out. This recipe fixes that age-old problem. It's also a great main course for a family-style dinner. Just slice the pork...