If you need to feed a hungry crowd you can't go wrong with steak sandwiches. They're easy to make and rich with the flavors of Italy. -Gilda Lester, Millsboro,...
We've tried several recipes for this hot and sour soup and couldn't find one that resembled the one we liked at a restaurant. So, I made my own and I must...
Friends love these barbecue sandwiches and often ask me to make them. We double the crowd-pleasing recipe and serve them at potlucks. -Dana Knox, Butler,...
Creamed corn and butter make my chicken corn soup homey and rich. This recipe makes a big batch, but the soup freezes well for future meals-one reason...
Homemade croutons star in this easy Italian salad recipe, filled with grape tomatoes, olives and pepperoncinis. I like to serve it with fresh Italian or...
Count on this pleasingly seasoned, hearty soup to satisfy the whole family. "My husband and kids say brimming bowls of it are flavorful and filling," nods...
It doesn't take long to put bowls of this comforting cheesy potato soup recipe on the table. Convenience items, such as canned soup and processed cheese,...
After years of searching, I found a BBQ sandwich recipe that's a hit with all my family and friends. It's easy to freeze for future meals ... if there's...
Pickle relish and ketchup add a touch of sweetness to this sandwich spread that uses up leftover beef. "I often turn to this recipe after I have made a...
I taught with the Defense Department in Germany (and met my husband, an Air Force pilot, there). Goulash soup was one of the first foods I tried overseas...I...
This hearty dish is one of our favorites. I've made it with all shrimp or with all turkey sausage, and it's just as good. I usually cook it in the microwave....
A yearly Lima Bean Festival in nearby West Cape May honors the many growers there and showcases different recipes using their crops. This comforting chowder...
I tasted this tangy blue cheese dressing for the first time at a friend's house. She gave me the recipe, and now I make it every week. I always keep some...
These full-flavored sandwiches really hit the spot after a busy day. They're easy to make and have a fantastic blend of seasonings-no one can eat just...
While this soup simmers, the great garlicky aroma will fill your kitchen! We love the toasted garlic bread floating on top of a rich and creamy bowlful....
These sliders are a fun way to serve meatballs at your party without using a slow cooker. Made on mini Hawaiian rolls, they have a hint of sweetness to...
I enjoy entertaining friends at luncheons. They always compliment me on these special little ham sandwiches made on cheesy homemade biscuits. Usually,...
Give your favorite grilled cheese sandwich a boost with the addition of earthy portobello mushrooms. This savory recipe takes this portobello mushroom...
Here's a new and interesting twist to traditional chicken soup. Everyone who samples it can't resist the delicious soup paired with homemade spaetzle.-Elaine...
The only thing that beats the comforting flavor of this thick and hearty loaded baked potato soup is possibly the idea that it simmers on its own all day...
"The horseradish marinade sparks the flavor of this simple salad," says field editor Doris Heath of Bryson City, North Carolina. "The beets look particularly...
We're always on the lookout for great, low-fat recipes and this pasta soup fits the bill. Loaded with veggies, it's fast, filling and delicious. Once school...
Need to satisfy big, hearty appetites? Look no further than a chili brimming with beef stew meat, plenty of beans and tasty spices. -Eric Hayes, Antioch,...
This warm, hearty spinach and bacon salad offers comfort at any meal. The glossy dressing features a hint of celery seed for a special touch. -Taste of...
Corn really stars in this delectable recipe-it hits the spot whenever you crave a rich, hearty soup. I make it each year for a luncheon at our church's...
These sandwiches are a delicious, dressed-up version of the traditional favorite. The pocket of melted mozzarella or provolone cheese and a crisp crumb...
My sister came up with these quick sandwiches that use minced garlic and other seasonings to bring pizzazz to deli roast beef. Add some carrot sticks or...
This chilled soup makes a wonderful appetizer or side on a hot summer day. Bright bursts of dill provide pleasant contrasts to the milder flavor of cucumber.-Deirdre...
Packed with protein-rich tuna and fresh, crunchy veggies, these colorful wraps have sensational flavor-and they're good for you, too. -Edie Farm, Farmington,...
This filling soup is a favorite in our family and is fast to prepare. It is the one food I take most often to friends who are in need of a helping hand.-Eleanor...
These sandwiches always make a big hit. The cooking in our area of western Pennsylvania represents a "melting pot" of Italian, Polish and Pennsylvania...
When I'm in need of comfort food, I stir up a velvety batch of this Asian-spiced soup. Then I finish it with a sprinkle of cilantro over the top. -Elizabeth...
At our Pittsburgh competition, Lori Kimble's rich and satisfying chowder took top honors. She relates, "This family favorite is perhaps the easiest recipe...
Brighten blustery gray days with steaming bowlfuls of soup that's the color of California sunshine. Jane Shapton really wowed our taste panel with her...
Chock-full of tomato, red and green pepper and tricolor spirals, this full-flavored Greek pasta salad is as attractive as it is delicious. I add feta cheese...